
CCW to a broader scale

Capitol City Wrestling's President Crash Adams recently signed a contract with Primetime Wrestling Television. This decision was made because both Crash and Ryan believed CCW had astounding talent, and solid shows and they wanted CCW's work and wrestlers promoted on a broader scale.

Crash stated this, "We intend to keep our family-like environment within the CCW, but it's time to take ourselves to the next level, and this contract with PTC will do precisely that."

Another high ranking CCW official respond with this, "Most wrestlers whether they show it on screen or not have big egos, that's just a fact of the business. The opportunity given to us by PTC will allow us to feed those egos by plugging our talent and shows on PTC television."

Crash went on to say, "If our wrestlers take a few minutes each day to participate in some of the things going on over at PTC, we might even get a Network television contract, and that would be ideal for us!"

Wrestlers opinions on this are encouraged on the OOC board.

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